Chicken Poop For Sale
I recently drove by Walgreens in New Hartford New York and while stopped at a light I saw one of those lighted signs that tells you what deals are available at Walgreens that day, week, etc. Well, much to my delight, this day, the sign scrolled through a few great deals like photo CD's, etc. Then it happened. The sign scrolled to the special on "Chicken Poop." I wondered was there a disgruntled employee, former employee turned hacker or just a wiseass. No matter to me though, because whatever their intentions, the result was hilarity, plain and simple.
I thought the same thing! After noticing the sign had been up for 3 days (and wondering if i was the only person noticing a giant sign that says CHICKEN POOP) i did a search on the web for "Walgreens Chicken Poop" and found out that Chicken Poop is a lip balm. They even have a website, This product has brought so much laughter to me in the last week that i just might go and buy some Chicken Poop. HAHAHA!
10:31 AM
Or maybe they're selling the song...
8:41 PM
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8:43 PM
Apologies! Here 'tis....[1].mp3
8:45 PM
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